Saturday, September 22, 2012

Spotlight: Anime Expo 2012 Day 4 Batman Vs Darth Vader Panel

Another purpose for this blog is to provide reviews of different panels for learning purposes. The best way to learn how to hold great panels is experience, but I hope to lead you away from obvious mistakes, and point out what makes fan panels of different types work.

Darth Vader Vs Batman:
Taking place on Day 4 in the afternoon, this panel was slightly full. This panel was a kind of discussion/audience participation panel. The topic was this: In a metaphorical bubble (no help from other characters) of an alleyway in Gotham City who would win, Darth Vader or Batman.

Using a projector and what looked like Microsoft word on full screen mode, the moderators kept track of the different point brought up by the audience members.

This was the setup. 

I really liked the improv skills of the typist. The moderators did not take themselves too seriously, which makes for a fun panel. I don't have a picture of this but they had Batman. 

The last part of Darth Vader's part said 'he knows when you need to go poo' or something like that. Wish I got a picture of that!

 I Love this 'Friggin Ninja' line here.

The moderators did a really good job; they laid out the rules and debated with audience members. the  difficult part of moderating panels like these are keeping audience members on task. Some of the audience members presented points that involved outside sources (such as Darth Vaders Death Star and Batman's Robin)
The moderators stated that this fight was technically taking place in a bubble; a dark alleyway in the middle of Gotham City. The moderators had to mention this several times. At times, some of the audience members got really long winded. This presents a few problems because it takes up precious time waiting for the person to finish their long thought and figure out the one sentence to crunch it all into. Managing long winded people can be difficult, and the moderators here did a good job. There was some amazingly funny and good points that really made me think!

An interesting part is that the moderators said that the discussion got more technical than they thought it would.

Just in case you wanted to know, the end verdict was Batman would win a fair fight. Overall, a fun relaxed panel with a lot of laughs! Good job!

 Random Adorableness!


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